Monday, October 02, 2006

Yeah Right!

This was seen at front of local pub on Hardy Street.

Tui is the name of NZ Native bird and also a brand of beer. Tui Beer ads have been very popular, with the top part (or the left half on a billboard) changing all the time; there are even competitions for the Tui ads, and some hilarious billboard came out at election time last spring.

[Added from comment:]
Try If you refresh the page, it will randomly changes the statement.
Something like:
“I was reading her T-shirts – Yeah right“
“The perfect body in 3 minutes a day. – Yeah right”

Have a fun!


  1. wow, sorry i'll not be there!!!
    hi ben, i liked your photos!!!
    they're really good

    hugs from brazil

  2. Re. below, we'll back to 12 hours behind at the end of October, when we in Europe go back to GMT.
    Now, Tui. Did you know that it is also the name of Europe's largest tour operator. It's German, but it owns holiday companies all over the continent. Bad company too! I'd rather drink Tui than work for it!!!

  3. So the wife is gone and the man is left to drown his sorrows in beer, eh? Try not to drink too much ;0)

  4. Thank you every one for stopping by,

    Tui is not strictly Nelson local bear but it is good. When I got a chance, I will introduce many of local beer. On in Richmond is famous for vary low alcohol ale brewed for LOTR party scene. (I personally like their pilsner or strong dark ale).
    I won’t drink too much of beer while Meg is away, but may be few glass of wines which is also a local produce.

    Re the picture: It is a joke.
    This is very common and popular phase xxxxxxxx (anything you like to say her), and then pause a little, finally say "Yeah Right” in loud voice.

    This one is actually very bottom half of black board that usually announcing the events in pub and some special menu.
    There is no "free beer” today. (It is always tomorrow). See?

    Yeah, Right!

  5. what a teaser..hehehe

  6. hehehe... Yup, it's a BIG teaser... I'm not sure if this particular one is good ad for pub (?).
    Well every Kiwi knows how Tui ad works, so everyone might say "no worries mate."

    Oh and if some one was targeted and on that ad it called “He's tui-ed" and everyone knows what we are talking about.
    It's that famous phase.

    We found so many political versions as well. ;-)

    Try here . If you refresh, it will randomly changes.
    Something like:
    “I was reading her T-shirts – Yeah right“
    “The perfect body in 3 minutes a day. – Yeah right”

    Have a fun!

  7. Interesting photo...(And, I won't say...Yeah, right). Have a good week!!

  8. Cool ads, cool principle. This is so much better than the ads that seem conceived by people who don't know any REAL people.

  9. Thanks Kate.
    Phlegmfatale , I agree it’s so popular because whoever started this knows REAL people.
    And most of competition entry comes from real people!

  10. Piika,
    If the ad is genuine, same happens here.
    If this is Tui format, it is forgiven. (You see same one every day and always saying tomorrow).
    If people went in and say I saw that yesterday and where is my free beer? The bartender might say, yeah right,


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