Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pile of Wood

This is a close-up shot of the arch made by the pile of firewood. It is pretty amazing, eh? More at Not a Woman of Few Words.


  1. You've outdone yourself Ben, a great shot of an amazing entance. Must go look at your others! Beautiful!

  2. Very interesting shot and the artist can stop by and stack the wood that I need to stack anytime.

  3. Cheers John,
    I still get better result from film camera (SLR) , may be the lenses.

    I agree, I almost tempted to invite them to stack mine for Beer+BBQ.

  4. Amazing how it all stays together and without nails or screws. Thanks for your visits to my ghost fest this week! :)

  5. how cool! for me, i like the textures that's created

  6. loved your photoblog... beautiful place to live...
    visit me, tell me what u think... bye...

  7. Love the textures and the angle of this shot.
    When the artist comes to stack your BBQ wood can I come too? Nothing like a good BBQ.

  8. Thank you all!

    I agree. It was very interesting textures.
    All the gravity hold the wood together like brick arch on some old building.

  9. Wow, this reminds of my 'books & mirrors' exhibit a few weeks back.

    No, don't ask where I have been. Leave it! I'm here now though and in the planning stage for something for you......:)

  10. I was thinking about THAT yesterday - your exhibit of books, that is.

  11. Always see the bright side of life : even if it collapses, you will not get cold during next winter ...

  12. Mile, that book cell shot is amazing, too.
    Matthieu, after the festival, all wood were packed in wooden boxes and gone somewhere.
    It was small truck load and may be used by the artist in next winter.

  13. Indeed, who knew wood could be so lovely?


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