Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Stand Still by Ben Foster

"Stand Still" by Ben Foster at Mac's Sculpture Symposium, Nelson Arts Festival 2006. I think this is stunning. More at Not a Woman of Few Words.


  1. How does this stand? Beautiful sculpture.

  2. Very very nice, original and elegant. Yeah, "stand still"!
    I'll check the link wiht more of it.

  3. Spiral designs with reflective surfaces are very interesting. And art festivals are grand!

  4. Yup, I think this is stunning too!

  5. Very original and eye-catching!

    Nice picture

  6. Well, it has large base covered by glass, so it looks like no base.
    The base has iron pole and the ball bearing.
    When the strong wind blows to the work, it will move (or I was told it will spin).

  7. nice sculpture... great perspective of the pic. A first sight, it's difficult to see what is it.

    Greetings from Trujillo-Peru

  8. Very nice. How tall is it, bit hard to tell? I'm guessing about 4 feet.

  9. Thank you.
    GiuCe, I love this lens (Nikon 50mm F1.4) but not its not for digital camera (just yet...).
    Jon, my rough guess of its height is just about 2m. (I might be wrong, but it was taller than me...)

    PS. Meg has 50mm F1.2 for Olympus OM Series. I might borrow that one some time...

  10. Amazing piece of work. I wonder how it holds vertical...

  11. Thanks Nathalie,
    This one (and glass on the wood stick one) was my favalite at the site.
    It has a large base but it was covered by the glass.
    If you look closer, you probably see the difference on the ground.


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