Friday, October 06, 2006

Up Close and Personal

To answer for Kete's Request, here is a close-up of the statue posted on 30th September.
Click on picture to enlarge for better look.


  1. i missed the 29/9 post. I do agree with position of the statue. Was the statue based on real life migrant? why 3 members of family and not 4 ? ..

  2. I think you posted the statue on 30/9. Anyway, I do like seeing this statue. They look like a happy family.

  3. Thnask Kris,
    It's not known if that is based on real family bat represent the first migrants came to Nelson.
    Tanty, you are right it was 30/9. I correct the post.

  4. I like it very much. I recall seeing somethign very similar at the Maritime Museum in Fremantle on a visit there.

  5. Thank you Sally for stopping by.


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