Sunday, October 22, 2006

Time Out

During the Nelson Arts Festival week, I found this guy cruising in CBD. Today he was parked on Bridge Street. I couldn’t resist taking a snap.

The Festival ends tomorrow.


  1. great moment for a pic... he looks busy.

    nice pic
    have a nice day


  2. do you remember Kris posted a similar carriage weeks ago from Szentes? Its very rare to see but at some places still you can find in Hungary.

  3. Thanks GiuCe and Zsolt72!

    No, I did not know (Sorry Kris), but I found one on late September in Kris's blog. It's quite similar.

  4. amazing contrast!

  5. That man looks so lonely, but I am sure his horse is one of his best friends.

    Greetings from a peruvian in Barcelona

  6. I love seeing horses on city streets.

  7. i love to see horses on the streets, I saw some walking passed me when i was lazing in a park in Sydney and Frementle some years's an amazing experience:) til now i hasn't forget..

    Sadly we dun get to see it here (in Singapore) other than the zoo

  8. I wish I was at the festival. i'm arts deprived at the moment!

  9. wow this is a blast from the past - I did not think to see this being used for real kine - excellent timing and the horse looks every bit as healthy too.

  10. Thank you all,

    The first time I noticed him (few days before taking this photo) was the sound of the horse coming form behind me.
    It was a strange feeling hearing that sound among cars passing by.

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  12. Piika,
    Yes, I was lucky to be at the right spot at right time!
    I'm usually a not snap shot taker, but I could not regist...

  13. here's to low-emmission transportation!

  14. That is very true, Phlegmfatale!


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