Friday, October 20, 2006

Gum Trees

On Port Hill, one of the nicest residential areas of Nelson. Our good friend Trish grew up in the house opposite these trees. This is for you, Trish.


  1. Looks like a quiet and peace place. I like this photo a lot. Thanks for sharing.

  2. A faithful and sincere friend is the Nature.

    Greetings from a peruvian in Barcelona

  3. And is chewing gum make from gum trees?

  4. Did you get the Gums from Australia!???!!
    ( You started it!)

  5. Nice pic, I love trees :D

  6. Now I have this song going through my head: "Kukaburro sits in the old gum tree..." After all these years of singing that song, it's nice to see what a gum tree looks like.(how do you spell kukaburro??)

  7. Thank you everyone,

    I’m not sure about chewing gum, but I guess it’s not likely.
    Yup, I’m pretty sure it comes from OZ and so the POSSUM which we do not want. Tree is great though. (John, if you are talking about R.C, you can keep him.)

    I’m not familiar with “Kukaburro”, but is that a King Fisher?

  8. I know that among other things, you get floor polish from the sap of the gum tree - and Carol, I wonder if it's kuckaburra, which is, I think, an Australian bird. And Benny, possums were broughthere by the European immigrants, I think. So we can blame everything on John.

  9. the trees look anciant. very nice street it is.

  10. haha... just last week i was singing "kukaburra sits in the old gum tree" and wondering what a gum tree really looks like! Thanks for showing!

  11. Thanks for stopping by Jazzy and Cropstar5.

  12. thanks Meg and Ben. Teach me not to check your blog for a day or two and you put a photo on just for me. Although maybe it is just part of a plan to make me miss Nelson so much that I want to come back.

  13. Of course it's the latter.

  14. That's right! and glad you noticed it!


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