Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tutu Purse

I'd love to get my 2-year-old niece this tutu purse, but I don't think she's tall enough to carry it around. Besides, her parents will say it's much too pink.

The building across the street, School of Fisheries, is only reflected on the shop window, but it's reminiscent of the double exposure pics I was into at one stage back in the film/manual advance days.


  1. That turned out well. I haven't tried this sort of shot, I can barely manage the simplest pics. But a number of the CDP group have had such impressive results I'm tempted to give it a go.

  2. Oh, yes, you can. mine is a simple point-and-shoot. It's the angle of the sun and the height of your camera. E.g. late afternoon/short photographer works well.

  3. Thank you for demonstarting what I keep banging on about. It's the person behind the camera that creates, thinks out, notices the shot to take in the first place. Actually made me miss my old film cameras, but only for the double exposure, not the processing part.

  4. And the cost of getting things developed, and the anticipation... Yikes. I do like digital.

  5. I think you should get the tutu purse for yourself. I would!

  6. Boy, Rita, talking about giving me ideas!!! Hummm!!!


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