Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rain, Rain and More Rain

That's outside; I'm in my basement all day. Just surfaced because I remembered Ben didn't have a pic for the day.


  1. This is nice. I like the lines and the colors.. also the lights and shadows.

  2. Cheers, Faye. Ben thought I could take a pic of the dark sky or something, but it's just too dark I didn't even attempt it. It would have been like an underexposed mistake pic from the film days!

  3. Meg, you do such lovely work. Your basement is a wonderful place to escape on dark rainy days. While you have that we are in the dead of summer. Right now its 40C.
    I think its time for a glass of iced tea...

  4. This is a sample piece from a narrow cotton scarf, Coca. My loom was being very naughty, so I was unable to finish it, but if it had not been naughty, I would not have designed this structure (patter), so I'm not complaining.

    Thanks, Sue. It was a bit cold yesterday, so I had to put the heater on, and then I ran the dryer (with laundry in it, of course.)

    Mary, I've been taking figure drawing classes, and just yesterday I learned the difference between shapes and forms!

  5. This is interesting work. Do you have a website for your work?

  6. I was taking ages working out what that was. I’d settled on carpet until I read the comments!

  7. Mo, I do, and the link is on the side bar, but that's in serious need of updating (by more than 18 months!); the overly chatty blog is far more up to date.

    Kris, carpet? Okaaaayyyy.... It actually feels like fabric you could upholster your chairs with. And you bet, I have ideas in my head...


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