Saturday, August 02, 2008

Learning to Cross the Street

A classroom full of littlies, three teachers and a policeman were learning how to cross the street yesterday. The male teacher in the middle stopped each child, knelt down, spoke kindly pointing in the direction cars were coming from, (the left, in NZ, and there was a bit of traffic during this lunch time,) before s/he completed the crossing. The big kids didn't dare cross while the grownups were watching.

NDP turns two today. Thanks for your visits and comments over the years.

NEWSFLASH: You all know Lachezar has been posting mind-blowing photos from Auckland. We belatedly discovered another Auckland photo blog, so please have a look at Baruch's A Walk Through Auckland.

NEWFLASH: I am officially a real bully. Though Alan may disagree. He put a plug in the paper for NDP once again. (The last six paragraphs.) But I'm glad, because this is the part of the story I wanted told. Once, Ben heard from someone in Canada who discovered the back of her head in one of his shots.


  1. Congratulations on turning two! I always enjoy your photos and the accompanying stories.

  2. Hi Ben and Meg
    Congratulations on NDP turning 2 today. For me it lets me know what you two have been upto as well as showing me whats going on in Nelson (some of my favourite things)
    Trish (from Wellington)

  3. This is a fun post and such an important lesson for the kids.

    Congrts on two years!!

    The news article is very nice.

  4. congratulations on completing 2yrs! may you have many more!

  5. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary ... Love your photo today and the explanation ... best wishes for many many more.

  6. Congrats on 2 years. I like your photo. I have never really thought about how kids learn to cross. Neat to see them being shown what to do.

  7. Thanks, everybody. I'm glad this one turned out ok. I saw what they were doing from some distance, and by the time I was close enough, I realized these two were the last in the group.

    Trish, I got a pick for you!! We just came across it at the Saltwater yesterday.

  8. Many congratulations on turning two today! Like you, I have been visiting but not commenting as much as usual due to the stresses of everyday life.

  9. Thanks for the kind referral Meg. All for the country aye? Go New Zealand!

    BTW, congrats on turning 2. Hope I get there too :)

  10. No worries, Baruch. For Queen and Country, or the Black Jersey. Or for fun, eh.


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