Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pay Your Fines Here

I had lunch with Ben in town Friday and he was laughing as we came out of the pub because he found the sign funny. Since we had no fines to pay, I thought, ok, he can laugh, but it's potentially serious stuff, you know.


  1. Come on now, who hasn’t been paying their parking fines? ;)

  2. Yeah, Ben, listen to Kris!

  3. Yeah, they can nail you for the money now when you leave the country. Stay clean and green. Good to see the Council collecting revenue - the fines are quite reasonable there, I guess it maintains the carparks????

    Good to see the sun shining.
    Lesley Expat Kiwi

  4. Ben doesn't have fines; once when he did get caught by a speed camera, though, he made me go pay for it. %$#@!!! But that was over 10 years ago.

  5. Glad you have no fines but at least you know where to go if you do. I hate the guessing games in trying to find a certain room without good directions.


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