Friday, August 22, 2008


Yet, another sunset from Nelson.
I was tempted by the light reflected on the edge of shallow water.


  1. Beautiful photo! Shame about the logo in the lower corner though...

  2. 300mm? From Princes Street lookout? I'm with Snapper re. the logo - the automatic thing doesn't do you favors sometimes...

  3. Yes, it's 300mm and Yes it's from Princes Street lookout.
    I'm not going change the logo position, but I agree it's on the way to the good part on this image.

  4. What a breathtaking view!!!

  5. I guess my point about the logo was not so much about it's placement but rather, why put it on there at all? I doubt anyone is going to snag a 75kb jpeg for commercial use. I'd love to hear others thoughts on this as I've never put any copyright info directly on my pictures. Too much of a purist for my own good perhaps...


  6. Magical Ben. I would love to see skies and colors like that here.

  7. You should check out the forum. I posted about theft of images and many responded. I have not only had images but whole posts copied/lifted. Even found my images on ebay under a different name. Pease leave the logo on. It is such a beautiful image, have no doubt that this would be subject to theft. I have had to drastically rethink what I upload now.

  8. Good God, Babooshka, makes you almost want to post only unattractive pics, doesn't it?

  9. Snapper,

    It's my habit and part of automated process for exporting. I used to create every image in this size which is one behind about 200kb.
    Also the gesture and reminder of the image is "All right reserved" not only for commercial use.

    I, of course, have another version without watermark somewhere else.


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