Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Water: Runner Up

This one is found at Queens Gardens in central City. I took this in mid March but couldn't decided to be a colour or B&W until now.


  1. They both are awesome. I do like the black and white feel to the runner up.

    Slinger - Daily Photos from the Twin Cities

  2. Ben, I'm glad you ran your runner up shot today. I like the black and white treatment and the shimmering ripples on the water's surface. Very joyful!
    Seattle Daily Photo

  3. Looks great in B/W, no color taking attention away from the water.
    One would want to live right above the pond, sitting on that little balcony, enjoying the evening's sun and the water splashing below.

  4. I'm glad you all like this.

  5. Yip, I also perfer the B/W. It accentuates the force of the water fountain. Nice one!


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