Saturday, April 05, 2008

Officially Autumn

Daylight Savings ends at 2AM Sunday morning (tonight) in New Zealand. It's officially autumn.


  1. Fall is such a lovely season, with all of its changes and colors, smells, the harvests... Enjoy!

  2. Goodness! I didn't know about the change back from DST! It will take me a few days to adjust again.

  3. so strange - we're in Spring now....

  4. Fenix, yes, so true, I just love it from about April to June over here.

    Sakiwi, the end of DST is not bad, especially if you slept in this morning. Just set your clock back, and enjoy the "long" weekend. OR, you can stick to the old time and get to work early on Monday and get a few things done?

    Piika, it's not strange when you're down here, except Christmas - that took me over five years to get used to. Christmas on the beach in rubber sandals, having a swim, going to friends' house for barbecue.... Interesting, yeah?

  5. Oh I so love Autumn. Have just been in Melbourne and although the heat was terrible the trees are starting to turn and it is so pretty. We never have Autumn here in the tropics!!!!

  6. Well, as far as autumnal atmosphere goes, Melbourne must be a few notches above Nelson (we do summers well), but terrible heat? We are talking about Melbourne, Australia, yeah? I never imagined...

  7. Thank you, dear George Townboy. Or is it - Georgetown Boy?


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