Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two-Way Bridge

This is a two-way bridge because the trains go on the top, while cars go below. They are building a new bridge you see in the centre of the pic, so sometime in the future, we'll no longer be going though my favorite bridge.

This is south of Blenheim, just before Seddon, on State Highway 1.


  1. Cars below? Now that’s my kind of prioritisation! The bridge between Sweden and Denmark is very much the opposite. The car-drivers have all the view to themselves.

  2. Sorry Meg, I took another weekend on the beach in Algarve and was too lazy to carry a laptop. Further I’ve been too busy... Anyhow, I'm glad to be back and see your beautiful pictures! The bridge is amazing, but the jetty is fabulous...

  3. I'd feel a bit more comfortable with the train below rather than above me, if I'm honest.

  4. Thank you for visiting, Ragazzi. The house next door is going on the market and today, all day, a huge air compressor (??) was sitting right outside my studio sporadically grunting like a hungry bear. I thought I would turn into an ax murderer. I've got five days to finish two pieces and weave maybe 3 or 4... I'm going out of my mind, guys. (Not that I was ever really in there to start with....)

  5. Hang in there Meg. Take a few deep breaths and drink lots of expresso. You'll work at warp speed.
    Nice pictures but not fair to take away your favorite bridge.
    Have a good week.


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