Monday, July 09, 2007

River Side Walk Way

Friday at lunch time; we still have some autumn left. This morning might be the coldest yet this winter, though.


  1. Oh, lovely. Getting colder, right? Does this mean you don’t want to join me for some ice cream? ;)

    I’m still fascinated by these ups-and-downs and different seasons.

    Take care!

  2. This is so beautiful! What a perfect autumn setting!

  3. Excellent capture. well done.

  4. Beautiful walkway. Looks like a perfect place to get a bit of excercise.

  5. Thank you.

    I found lots of people jog through this walkway. Apparently, it is very popular for that type of activity as well as walking with dog.

    We can join for some ice cream any time, Per.

  6. It's a beautiful setting with a bright spot of colour to complement the green. I'd also like to follow the path to see where it leads.


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