Saturday, June 30, 2007

Up to 50% Off

Nothing I wanted/needed was discounted, so boo hoo!


  1. I suppose "up to 50% off" (my math teacher wouldn’t have liked that phrase) means that one item goes for half price and the rest of the prices have been increased to pay for the sale... ;)

  2. Yeah, I thought so. Gym socks for $9.50? You only get 50% of normal socks, don't you? And we're having a really chilly spell (NOTHING to you, though; just mornings that start out somewhere between 2-5C), so these dolls didn't look inviting at all in mini skirts and no sleeve dresses... Goose bumps...

  3. ...with this cloth is easier to pley "twister"

    XD happy weekend!

  4. Well-spotted, Guice.

    Say, Per, maybe it means these mannequins have up to 50% of their attire off in the cold?

  5. Meg, then it’s a clear case of “nothing to hide” which sounds a lot more pleasant at our kind of season than yours...

  6. in France the balances began this week

    your manequins has targeted clothes

  7. Per, yeah, exactly.

    Bergson, or, we could say the manequins are dotty. Gosh, I never expected to be able to play with words with this photo!

  8. I can understand why these outfits are 50% off. They would have to pay ME to wear them :) I guess I'm too much of a small town hick for these fashions.

    I do like 50% off sales when I know the store so know they haven't doubled the price first.

  9. Howdy! Haven't visited for awhile. Your photo reminds me of Target's logo--all red dots. You do remember Target,don't you Meg?

  10. I found one better - Sierra Trading post has 65% and more discount - I love discounts - its too bad you did not find anything you wanted - but i guess that is good to - save money for another day =)

  11. Hmmm do guys wear that too?
    That's a male in there right?

  12. Interesting outfits Meg. The first thing I thought of was the Target logo too. They don't look like cold weather outfits. I guess that's why they are 50% off. I think you saved a heap of money...
    Oh yes, it will be a while before I have inside pictures of the house. We are still getting new furniture and figuring out where things go.

  13. Faye, they won't even approach me to ask, so no worries there.

    Kate, ah, Target. On my very last visit, I came out with 10 or so LPs - paid about $40 for all of them.

    Kala, at 65% off, I tend to find things I didn't know I needed!! Did you?

    Yes, K-Man, of course, boys wear these. Actually I do have another He-Doll wearing something or rather... Perhaps I should send you the outfit so you can model it for TK-SDP? Hee hee.

    Sue, no worries, we can wait. Though "decorating, in progress" would be fun to see, too.

  14. 50% off...hmmm.
    I'd like to see the guy who buys that outfit take the other 50% off too! :-)

    What on earth is that male mannequin wearing?

  15. Red polka-dotted tape, Ann, shaped like... a pair of shorts and the Mr Universe sash???


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