Sunday, June 24, 2007

Three Seasons in One Day

Thursday. Gray, cold, miserable, then torrential rain, then sun and rainbow, then rain again. Here's one of my snappy, happy shots at around 4PM.

It reminded me of the furore we had a little while back when Tim Finn said the Crowded House song "Four Seasons in One Day" was inspired by his "home" Melbourne, not New Zealand. Some even asked if we could return our CDs based on the Consumer Guarantees Act, because the band had led us to believe it was about ... us, and here. We love our Kiwi bands.


  1. Wow, a dramatic clouds!
    Have a nice week ahead :)

  2. I hope you've had a nice weekend. We've had similar weather patterns here in Villigen. Absolutely dark and scary at 10 in the morning, with thunder and lightning and rain that mean business, then clearing up to beautiful blue skies with fluffy, pretty clouds.

  3. great shot. I'm a bifg fan of your kiwi's bands. fat freddy drops, black seeds, zuvuya and the fly my pretties. have a nice weekend

  4. Ohhh Meg, this sky is so beautiful. Love those gold colors.

    You could be talking about Oregon weather too. We can have clear skys and sun one minute, dark clouds will roll in and it can pour rain the next, then go right back to bright and sunny. The saying here is "if you don't like Oregon's weather, just wait 15 minutes"

  5. i agree..its really dramatic!

  6. Hello!
    I`m from Poland. My name Sabinka. Welcome my blog!I`m interisting in photography.

  7. Thank you, everybody. It was a very interesting day, to say the least. I'm just glad I got to cross everything off the list.


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