Friday, June 15, 2007

Industrial Area and Mountain

Again, this is from our window. This time, I'm looking slightly to the left/west. We have this industrial area beyond the residential area.

You can see our airport, which is roughly from the big red roof to the big white roof just this side of the water; the runway is between those buildings and the water, and you can see it extends to the right.

The industrial area has been spilling out of town and the port area, and into our end. There are dispatch yards, recycle center (surrounded by trees on the near side), storage, and shops (many to do with houses and DYI) which have moved out of town in search of more floor space.

The big factory in the distance is Nelson Pine MDF plant in Richmond. Beyond that, we have lifestyle blocks, farms, and hills and mountains to the west.

When our house was first built in 1962, there was nothing but sheep paddocks between us and the water, we're told. When we moved here, the top half of the view out of our window was pristine, the bottom half not so; 10 years on, the ratio is now top 1/3 nice vs. bottom 2/3 not nice. Still, the view to the North is pretty much residential.


  1. Gosh that is a nice photo of your city and the things in it. I like the photograph just as a scene with the mountains in the background. It is beautiful.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Tomorrow (will be Friday) you will get to see the baby raccoons...
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. I guess you just have to keep looking in the North direction.

  3. The Mountain is gorgeous,I'm still amaze and meg photo yesterday was bizzare,I've never seen before it is NOT green!

  4. Industrial "stuff" can be quite interesting....

  5. but the far away mountain view is fabulous! :)

    Have u done any zoom shot for that? in any of your dp blog?

  6. Thanks, every one.
    I'm keep looking at south-west direction where the cold wind coming from.
    I have few close-up on my sketchbook. I just took a sunrise version this morning and it will be the tomorrows post.

  7. We just checked the directions against a compass for the very first time so we can talk about our view accurately, and to our utter surprise, the direction I thought was north is in fact.... northwest. So here, we're looking to the southwest.

    Well, the things you learn from taking part in the DP!!!

  8. this is totally out of the blue..

    is new zealand ice cream factory there? i am in an ice cream mood! :-p

  9. No ice cream factory there, but we can get from super market.


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