Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Trafalgar SQ

This is just before the cafe opens for dinner. It's just about 6PM.
The photo is not quite sharp but I liked the atmosphere so end up in here. (1/15sec F2.8 +1/3EV ISO-900)


  1. Would thank be Hopwoods, then?
    How's the exploration of Richmond proceeding?

  2. Well, we passed Richmond and reached to Motueka, last weekend. I’m preparing few shots from there for next few days.

  3. Would be cool if you could photograph the farm up Seaton Valley for me so that we can see what it looks like in autumn.

  4. Nice one...good shades and lighting!

  5. Jb, is your place easy to find? Any land mark? I know there is no house yet. I wont promise but I will try when I had a chance. Is "Seaton Valley" the name of your farm? I home your new neighbours did not mind Japanese couple taking photo around there. It bit wired, because most of people think we are tourist especially when taking pictures like that...

    Cheers Rajesh!


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