Friday, June 29, 2007

Look Up!

Do you ever walk around your city, and look up, and suddenly notice you see a building or a landmark that you normally can't see from where you are?

The Mini Mall construction is progressing slowly but steadily. I was standing absentmindedly on Hardy Street on Wednesday and remembered being startled in that exact position six weeks ago. This is the photo I took then. I don't expect to see even the tip of the bell tower of the Cathedral from Hardy Street when the Mall is completed. (Earlier stages of the demolition for the Mall were posted here and here.)


  1. I guess I’m too absentminded. Reality tends to surprise me all the time! However, simply walking – or strolling as we like to put it – is a perfect mood for finding new stuff as well as new angles on all that old stuff.

  2. Say, Per, I just posted this and then went away to put the kettle on!! Good morning/night to you!!!

  3. Good morning/night, Meg! I’ll go take care of my beauty sleep. Incidentally, I could use lots of it… ;)

  4. Interesting photo and commentary. I enjoyed reading the post.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Tiger Swallowtail

  5. You know, I've been so immersed in the landscape of Dallas for the last 24 years that I'm delighted when a new perspective surprises me.

  6. Thanks, Mr. Prez.

    Rita, yeah, this little berg of Nelson is enjoying a bit of low-keyed construction boom, too, and sometimes I look at a new building and can't remember what used to be there, either.


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