Monday, June 11, 2007

Morning - Rainbow

This is from our living room window; on 7 June at 8:16 AM, we saw this rainbow.


  1. Great view of the landscape and the sky.

  2. It's unusual to capture any scene with a rainbow successfully, well done!

    South Shields Daily Photo

  3. What a fabulous view you have.
    Great capture of the lovely rainbow.

  4. Did you find the pot of gold as well??

    Say Happy Birthday to The Queen in Sydney!

  5. What a great view you have out your living room window... and then you get that beautiful rainbow as a bonus. Nice :)

  6. I never even knew that rainbows can show up that early, beautiful! :-)

  7. ohh how beautiful. I love rainbow:) In the morning its rare

  8. You have a splendid view and this rainbow just fits perfectly.

    Baby raccoons. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
    Brookville Daily Photo

  9. What a breathtaking view and the rainbow is just perfect for the Morning Glory!

  10. From your living room? I'm jealous!

  11. Beautiful! We have rainbows all the time on Maui too, and I've come to take them a little bit for granted. Now I get excited at the weird ones--the ones that are just big splotches and not arcing.


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