Monday, May 28, 2007

Singer & His Dog

At Trafalgar Street.


  1. beautiful B&W ! I wonder sometime why they always have dog with them..

  2. Nice shot. I suppose you did this in Photoshop? They have a new feature in CS3 that is almost automatic for this kind of treatment. I like your work.

    I have some good news:

    The three baby robins are on their way to Meet the World. I miss them already. It was quite an emotional experience.
    Brookville Daily Photo

  3. The doggie doesn’t appear to be entirely focused on the music. Elegant move to have the man and the dog highlighted in an otherwise b/w photo. This we like.

  4. what a great effect! I really like it!
    I also would have coloured the letteres "OFF" in the photo... it would be fun uh? ;)

  5. Thank you all.

    Abraham, I don't know what you mean by automatic but it quite easy to do.
    It's nothing more than two layers and B&W conversion and easer brush. I do not rely on anything automatic too much. It's spoil my fun. I'm using Lightroom for workflow and most of adjustment/B&W conversion and CS3 for special effect editing like this.

  6. Looks very nice (the tecnical barrier, though, for me insurmountable. I'd have to stick to hand colouring with pastels, like in ye olde days *g*).

  7. Thanks, Merisi.
    Once you've done this, it is so easy. Any image editor supports the layer can do.

  8. It is touching. I would have liked to see another picture thaty shows the dog's expression.

  9. Thanks, Anil.
    Next time I found him and I was with my camera, I will try to take a few more picture.


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