Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Mac's Brewery

Mac's Brewery was Nelson's local brewery; sometime in the last couple of years they moved to Wellington's waterfront, seen in this shot. They changed the labels, put on a series of TV ad (something we never saw in our 10+ years in Nelson), and is becoming a national brand. I'll have to go shoot the original brewery down the road; that one is closed down and up for sale. So if any of you want to start a brewery in Nelson...

I prepared this post initially for yesterday's theme day.

PS. Has anyone noticed one of our shots in yesterday's seaside gallery Theme Day post?


  1. Just can't remember that you are ahead of us. I was here this morning and commented and back again this afternoon.

    I wish someone would start a new brewery. What happens? Do you have to import beer now?

    Abraham Lincoln
    My Theme Day portrait is of the "Peashooter" and the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Hope you like flying.

  2. We are living in Wine country, but also have a heaps of Brewery. We still have handful of local ones. Maybe most famous one is who brew an Ale for move LOTR.
    The Mac grown up an a national brand to join some other brand, but it is still NZ bear, just not Nelson bear any more...

  3. And don't forget "Founders", Ben
    Or Harringtons.
    Or that place over at Takaka that does manuka beer. ("The Jester" has that on tap)

  4. Yap, those are all my favourites.
    The “Mussel in” is a best place for stopping by.

    There are others like Bays and light house.

  5. Ah, the good old days of having a favorite beer :)

  6. I really can't tell which shot is a Nelson DP shot - the one of the red brick building with 2 fireplace chimneys?

  7. Thanks for visiting me on theme day. I have been out of computer contact and unable to comment on others.

  8. I expect next to Australian beer (which is very popular here!) some from your part of the world, too! :-)
    I love Industrial Archeology, and would love to find out more about that building (tonight, now I only opened your link, I like the first page of the website "Made using only organic couch potatoes" *laugh*).
    Yesterday I shot some pictures of an interesting industrial complex here, that has been converted into apartments and a shopping center (I also know a beautiful one on the seaport of Baltimore city), the Gasometer. Will post them soon.

  9. hmm - too bad I'm not a beer drinker!

  10. Me too Piika. I really like when the local people support their own.
    Interesting building.

  11. Years ago, when I lived in Brussels, I took a tour of an old brewery. It was very interesting. The older the more interesting ... In the US micro breweries are all the rage. They have seriously cut into the sales for the national brands.

  12. It's in here, Nikon.

    The building is in Wellington, so I need pass this request to Louise at Wellington Daily Photo.

    And thank you everyone for visiting, back to Nelson now.

  13. Ah! Now I know why you liked my motorcycle helmets! Tks for dropping in on R.u.T DP

  14. Chuckeroon, I like your Helmet shot not only the beer (well, that is a part of it), but I think that is show really good time. Thanks for stopping by.


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