Saturday, May 05, 2007

Back Entrance

This is the back of the Courthouse. (See front here.) If you've been naughty and on remand, you are delivered on a van that goes inside this cage; they shut the cage before you're let out the van.

But that's just my theory. Police is to the left, just behind where I was standing, and I do know there are basement cells there, because I read it in the paper... Soooo.... they wouldn't transport the baddies just to cross the drive way, would they?


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm surpised they didn't chase you out of there with a camera.

  2. wow it looks a little scary if you ask me....

  3. have u ever wanted to try to have a picture taken inside the 'cage' haha...

  4. Your sunset picture was gorgeous! The Courthouse one is amazing, as usually no one shows its back...

  5. I have to say that I like the front side better. :)
    (I like your theory -- I think you're right.)

  6. From inside the cage, K man? I suppose I could. It's usually deserted and the gate open anyway.

    Most of NZ, and Nelson in particular, is very relaxed still. So far we've never been asked to leave because we have a camera. Airport, Port, Police, we're still relaxed.

    About the only place I was told not to photograph was at a tiny provincial museum, because of the copyrights of the artworks on display - it was the stained glass window at the side of the building. Goodness!

  7. you know, you almost had a poem going here, and I'm sure there's a limerick in this story someplace!

  8. Poem? Here? Goodness, never thought of that. You're far more literate than I!


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