Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mainly Natives Plant Nursery

We went to see our friend Georgina, who, together with hubby Grant, started the Mainly Natives Plant Nursery in March last year. Georgina and I used to work at the Polytech together; we left roughly at the same time, started new lives roughly at the same time, and Mainly Natives opened about six months after I sold my work for the first time.

In New Zealand, it rains more in autumn/winter time, so nurseries are busy this time of the year. The day we went to see her, we caught a bit of gray cloud in between torrential rain. She didn't want me to post this picture, because there are so few plants, but this is a good thing for their business. In the last decade or so, Kiwis have been planting more native plants, not only for their sculptural looks, but because they require less care.

Here's a picture from a very similar angle Georgina took perhaps over a year ago. It looks tidier, but I'm happy she's selling many plants.


  1. what a nice work! it has to be really interesting! I would love to have more time to take care of many plants and make my life greener... someday, maybe! :)

  2. Nice photo!
    New Zealand seems to go to autumn, unlike Japan. I feel both very interesting and strange.

    By the way, which season is the best for oysters in New Zealand?

  3. Macky, our famous "Bluff Oyster Season" starts sometimes in March.

  4. I like the thought of putting in native plants, especially if they take care of themselves. Its good for the land. Good shot Meg.

  5. I think this would be a good way to make a living. It would be very satisfying to raise the plants and know they are growing all over the area.

  6. I like your photo and it shows that your nursery is not that much different from those around here.

    I like your story that goes with the picture too. I found it interesting.

    I didn't do much today but...

    I did write about how people used to wear long underwear over winter or until we began to stink. You can find the link at the bottom of the post today.

    Brookville Daily Photo

  7. Thanks for your visits.

    Georgina's nursery is lovely because she grows things from seeds or cuttings, rather than just bring in plants from other growers, and because of her knowledge of plants. It's quite labor intensive, though, and I don't know what's going to happen when she has her first baby in a couple of weeks!

    Well, knowing her, she's probably going to get right back into the thick of things on Day 2 or 3 at the latest.

  8. Hi Meg, funny how I came across this...but cool. Thanks for giving Georgina a CD - she now wants one of each as theirs met an untimely death on the floor of the car...! Good photo too - looks just like a plant nursery should =)

  9. Very very nice operation there, Kath.


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