Friday, May 11, 2007

A Photographer's Bag

Ben's been taking lots of photos this past week with his fancy new camera. He had this week off. It's a great time of the year to go around the region looking for autumnal colors (Ok, that may be my primary interest). I'm not sure who this little guy is, but he guarded Ben's equipment for the duration of one shoot.


  1. Good luck with the new camera :)

  2. Great shot. Not the usual focus at the beach.

  3. What camera did Ben get?
    I am so so curious to know :-)

  4. i love beaches.... so much to discover!

  5. Thanks for your visits, people.

    K-Man, it's a Nikon D-200. He just got the body, because he's had a few other Nikons and a good selection of lenses.


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