Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Bought at NZ$3/kilo at the Saturday Market a week ago Saturday. ($2.99 at the supermarkets.) The sweet but not squishy pears in the blue bowl is my favorite; I must ask what kind it is. Every year I buy lots of pears intending to preserve or infuse wine/oil/vinegar, but I end up just eating them at the start of the season. So this year, I bought different kinds just to enjoy them first, and I'll worry about preserving later.


  1. Very graceful still life. Lovely soft lighting.


  2. I love to eat pears too. I like them canned too. Your photo looks delicious.
    Brookville Daily Photo
    720 pixels

  3. Good plan, Meg ;-)
    Love the bowls and your presentation!
    The pears you prefer - maybe Bosc?

  4. yummy!
    great colours and the arrangement Meg.

  5. Very nice! I wish I had a pear right now! Thanks for dropping by Asheville DP the other day!

  6. Lovely composition, Meg. Your photography obviously improves with age... ;-)

  7. Ummm Meg these look so yummy. I hope we get some good summer fruit this year. We had frost and bad weather at the wrong time for the fruit trees.
    Eat a pear for me.

  8. looking very elegant...wonderfully captured shot!

  9. Beautiful, you can rarely see a good naturemorte photo these days!

    well done Meg!


  10. Thanks for your visits, people. They really, really tasted great, but when we went back last Saturday, they didn't have this kind, so I came home with the kind in the brown bowl.

    I also bought a bit of extra and made a. a very loose jam/preserve (I don't like to put too much sugar in, so I usually put in just a little and leave the concoction sufficiently loose so Ben can use some on his cereal, and we sometimes have some on top of ice cream, and b. I'm infusing some grape seed oil and hoping and praying it'll work.

    Isabella, Bosc was definitely one of the signs they had in the stall, but I can't remember if I ended up selecting that. The two kinds I got a week ago were very similar looking; one had larger brown freckles than the other. But the texture were very different.

    JB, thanks, ha ha ha.

  11. Thank you, Lachezar. But you know, all I was thinking was these pears were so tasty that I just had to show everybody!! I only shot about 3 or 4 shots before the smell was so inviting that I had to get right into them - again!

  12. Great still life - I love the "cozy' composition.

  13. very arty, like a painting!

  14. looks like a still life from Spanish painters during the Renaissance!

  15. I would want to be a artist painter to be able to copy such a nice nature morte...

  16. Looks yummy! Now I want some myself!

    Thanks for commenting on my Villigen blog.

  17. Thank you for your visits, everybody. It's starting to get cooler and cooler at nights and mornings, and today I feel like a pear tart with unwhipped cream and strong coffee... I've got lots of strange herbal teas, too, if you prefer. Somebody?

  18. It looks very tempting and the photo looks like a painting. Very nice.

  19. Thanks, Tanty. Say, new profile photo?! She's growing up!


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