Friday, April 27, 2007

Autumn Transformation

Compare with this and especially this.


  1. glorious autumn color!

  2. Awesome color, but I really like the shape of the yellowish trees and how the downward slant is echoed in the tree on the right. I like similar or repeating patterns in photos. Makes them seem more interesting or powerful or something. Not sure what word I'm looking for there.

  3. Wow, what a wonderful picture! Makes me feel that spring must be arriving in the Northern Hemisphere...

  4. What fun to see the three pictures and the seasonal transformations. I especially like this one because it looks like a canopy over the street.

  5. ohh I remember this photo..and now its the third version.:) Only the snowy one is missing!

  6. Thank you everyone.
    All three is taken from the same spot. I use different camera for this so the coverage is slightly different.
    Unfortunately, we do not have snow in town often (We only had a snow once before in 10+ years and not there for long enough), but you never know.

  7. quite gorgeous colour....

  8. The scene is really nice and reminds me of a movie from New England states. I like it very much and the other views were equally nice especially the one where the leaves were gone and you could see the houses behind the trees.

    Thanks too for visiting my blog.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  9. Thanks for comment, piika and Abraham.

  10. This is really a great series of shots and beautiful--The winter scene is lovely too.


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