Thursday, February 01, 2007

Theme Day: What Really Annoys Me in Nelson

I'm really struggling to find something to post today's theme day. In the morning of 29 January (Nelson Anniversary Day), I found this smashed bus stop shelter. All the glass was smashed. No, it's not an accident but obviously vandalism of some sort. This is the second time I have seen this kind of vandalism in Nelson in past 10+ years. So it's not that bad problem, but it gives me a really bad feeling. The positive side, the pattern of crack on the glass is quite amazing. It looks like art, as if the artist has intentionally done this and framed the broken glass. Well, do not do this to the public (and private) property.

Today is Theme Day. Other DP Blogs have also selected their shot "What really annoys you in your city". Please click on the numbers below to view them.

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  1. Such wanton vandalism is a sad indictment of today's world. I feel like a grumpy old woman just saying so.

  2. I agree with IS sad and I always think to myself...what kind of parents did this person makes SUCH a difference...nice post Ben! HI TO MEG! =))) You must be one of the first DPers to post! WOOHOO! ;)

  3. Unfortunately, that kind of vandalism is all too common here in Providence.
    I hope that your bus shelters are more functional than ours. The glass doesn't go all the way down to the sidewalk & it's wide open on one side - talk about worthless in the bad weather!

  4. I can't stand vandalism either, it's a total lack of respect!

    Just thought I'd let you know I have moved, time to update those links again.....sorry!

    South Shields Daily Photo

  5. Vandalism has occurred a few times in my city however when it does repair occurs quickly. When it happens, we normally assume vandalism is the result of kids. It annoys me however upon reflection I worry about what leads to this sort of action.

  6. How sad. I don't understand what the pleasure of vandalism is. Thanks for showing it to us.

  7. I don't blame you, honey - vandalism is an outrage and should be soundly punished when possible.

  8. Glad you found it hard to find something to complain about. So did I. I think we are lucky to live in some of the good places in this world.

    Just thinking of it - Glad you didn't have to mention racism as your first source of annoyance (remembering a previous post)...

  9. Hi there!
    You're right, vandalism is such a bad feeling... and it's sad that's everywhere all over the world :(
    but it's fine that most of the people feel bad about it :)
    It's a hard theme day, just showing the worst of your city

  10. Problem here, too. I can't think what motivates the litte ***** to do this sort of thing.

  11. I just hate when things get ruined like this. Really lovely colors in your photograph today. You did a great job carrying out the theme. Kudos,

  12. Not a nice sight, really annoying, but a great shot.

    Hope it doesn't happen to often in your beautiful city.


  13. I can't think for the life of me why people are moved to do this. Here in the UK we get a lot of it. Basically, it's boredom i think, not that that's an excuse, but keeping the young more occupied would help.

    Although i'm not showing on the list, i am participating in Theme Day.

  14. How interesting... Here in the UK such events happen on a daily basis, and to read "This is the second time I have seen this kind of vandalism in Nelson in past 10+ years." made me double take... twice in 10 years... wow!

  15. On the one hand it's a reflection on Nelson that you find it hard to find an annoyance....but what you photographed is indeed annoying!

  16. its so sad isn't it? to see such acts. sigh..

  17. un theme que je partage avec toi, apres chaque fete, ou chaque fin de weeck end, on retrouve des abris bus detruis....

    a topic that I divide with you, after each festival, or each end of weeck end, one finds drunk shelters destroy….

  18. Vandalism is very very bad. I really don't like it. Perfect choice for the theme.

  19. It is amazing how different cities in different continents can have different set of problems, but amazing is the fact the most have the same kind of problems.

  20. Apart from senseless vandalism (is there any other kind?) Nelson sounds like a great place to live...

  21. it is a worldwide phenommenon the lack of public space.

  22. The total lack of respect for other's property makes me sad!

  23. Quite acrime wave in beautiful Nelson ;-)

  24. As a result of visiting everyone's place, I found it is very interesting. Mostly traffic and road work related pick but quite few different variations. I was surprised Rotterdam picked exactly same bus shelter glass (smashed!) Well, Don's one is spectacularly smashed! (and very good photo and effect.)

    Thank you for all your comment and yes Nelson is usually very safe and peaceful place (I believe). As I stated I have only seen this kind of thing twice in past 10+ years.

  25. A sad sight but at least it doesn't happen often. Nelson must be a safe place to live.

  26. Thank you for stopping by everyone.


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