Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tahunanui Beach, Evening

Would you like a short walk? Another shot here.


  1. Mom, Dad, Ben and I had fold up chairs out and we ate Fish and Chips that evening. Fun!

  2. Now that sounds like a great evening. Beautiful sky to sit under.

  3. Sigh--yes, what a wonderful evening that sounds like!! And a walk on this beach would suit me just fine!

  4. I would love to take a walk there. The sky is beautiful

  5. I need a walk on that beach. Too much craziness at my house this week. Maybe you could drag out another beach chair and I could join youfor a while. Nice comforting shot.

  6. HOLY SEASHELL! That is one HUGE sandy beach Ben! WOW! Surely "Tahunanui" must translate to "take a HIKE if ya want to touch WATER!" LOL~ ;)

    HI MEG! =)

  7. I would love to take a walk with Ollie there. She would run direct to the water...Meg, you are sooo far from Istanbul...I even don't know how I could get there? Perhaps fly to Sydney first and take another flight?...

  8. Seems like that beach goes on and on forever!

  9. Wow, this is a huge way to walk by! It must be scary in the night, but the sky should be beautiful and full os stars!

  10. I was going to sigh, but cristina already sighed.
    well I'm still sighing on the inside.
    this is beautiful!

  11. Oya, probably through Sydney, Bangkok or Hong Kong, to Auckland, and then a domestic flight directly or via Wellington. That sounds like a really long way, doesn't it?!

  12. Thank you everyone fort comment.
    It was really great day and we had a great time there.
    We have few great beaches around, and the Tahunanui Beach is one that closest from CBD. (Maybe less than 15 minutes drive.) It is a great place to spend your time.


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