Friday, February 02, 2007

Queen's Gardens Back Hardy Street Gate

The house across the street has crated a fence out of old sewing machine parts. It's the red bits above the green-painted bricks.

(I do have a close-up taken last August here. Not a very good one, but you get the idea.)


  1. Can't quite make out any sewing machine parts but the black gates are certainly very impressive-looking.

  2. Wow, Meg can you get closer to show us that different fence?

  3. I actually shot a close up last August, and I've added a link. It's a little too close, and not a very good pic, but you get the idea? He's used, from memory, 6 of these side 'panels' from the machines, i.e. 3 machines at least.

  4. nice house.....i wanna see the garden :D

  5. Wow! Kiwis really know how to recycle. Great idea - very unique.

  6. I love houses which have large windows bringin a lot of lights into the rooms:)Especially if the windows loot to the east.

  7. Thanks Meg, I replied on your link.


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