Friday, November 10, 2006

Rocks on Sticks

Here is a sculpture on the walkway along Maitai River.

From Nelson Public Art and Sculpture Walks map: "High Flyers", created by Grant Palliser as a city millennium commission and erected in 2002, responds to the energy of the rapids in this stretch of the Maitai River. The five kinetic stainless steel poles reflect the tones of this environment and the aluminum 'boulders' echo the river stones, symbolizing opportunities, goals and achievements in the 'river of life'.

And that's [al-yuh-min-ee-uhm], not [uh-loo-muh-nuhm] in Kiwi Land.

Here's a close up taken back in September, and have a look at Rita's Dallas sculpture. Meg used to scream whenever she detected copyrights violation, but today she's "amused at the creative serendipity". I think she's been trying to use this word in every other sentence since yesterday.


  1. Mmmmm - only half convinced by the rocks on poles. I love the concept expressed in your comments, the boulders in the 'river of life', but to me a sculpture should work even without the talk behind it, and here I'm not sure it works for me... Interesting anyway !!!

  2. lovely walk! we have a similar walk nearby but no longer green. refreshing to see green because akita is so red or yellow or orange these days. A few more weeks and eveerything will be covered with white.

    tahnks always for dropping by adp.
    btw, I was surprised you know " kayou suspence ". But that program ended about a year ago. " Drama complex " replaced it and now its " kayou drama gold".

  3. I've just been to DPs in northern Europe and then's your turn to have beautiful weather :-)

  4. Nice tranquil place and your photo captures the very essence. Nice pic, wonderful blog.

  5. a simple and interesting sculpture... the place looks so quiet!

  6. what a cool sculpture, i like it very much and the whole concept is great.

    great weather too =)

  7. Aloo-MIN-ium LOL, because NZ has those Brit roots, despite what you describe of the latest way of doing politics.
    Sounds like a postive work of art.
    If you come over to my place, my new post might also bring you a serendipity (one of my all-time favourite words!).

  8. Nathalie, I used to think the same, so as Editor-in-Chief, I rejected Ben's pic taken in September, but in situ, it wasn't bad - in a 'nice decoration' kind of a way.

    Lisi, Piika, would you believe we've had fire in the fireplace this week?

  9. beautiful view! I sure wish it was spring here!

  10. its nice to arrive to the spring on your site:) today I posted also about a sculpture

  11. Previous two days were rain and rain and rain. On that day we had beautiful blue sky, so I went there to re take the shot.

    Midnitebara, "Kayou Suspense" was one of my favourite series, even if I know who is the guy in first 10 min. It's sad that the show was gone. but I'm sure new one is just as good if not better.

    Thank you everyone for stopping by and kind enough to leave your comment.

  12. Sculpture is the most abstract of the arts, Its not bad that the artists give a short clue.

    Greetings from a peruvian in Barcelona

  13. winter time... so I get melancolic... lucky u that have summer now...

  14. Irredento, Without that clue it's like just a garden ornament to me. Buts with this caption, its something.

    Tr3nta, we are getting into spring/summer season. Today (11.Nov.06) 19C (high) , 9C(Low).

  15. A close up would be great, from the diatnce however you show it's ovely location. It looks a little like the sculpture I will post later tonight in Melbourne.

  16. Thanks John,
    I had smiler close up on same day but colour doesn't look right. So, I decided to use this one instead. Rather than clopping one to show close up, I used old shot for just another comparison on the surrounding. I'm sure I will check your post tonight.

  17. Um, I think your version of rocks-on-sticks is much more impressive - love it. It's bold and whimsical.

  18. Maybe we get more sun/rain cycle, and they grow more quickly.


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