Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Kiwi Water Tank

Water tanks are often positioned right behind the house, but as long as it is attached to a big roof, it works. This one was by what I believe used to be a farm building, possibly an apple orchard storage, but is now Motueka Sculptor Tim Wraight's Sealevel Studio. One day I hope to do a series of photos of his work, but last weekend, we found this tui bird instead.

Usually the tanks are black, green or light lime green, but we saw a fancy accommodation under construction with three tanks painted the same color as the buildings. This is in response to Alice's post of August 29.


  1. I prefer the grey water systems, as with water tanks it need to rain! Grey water means recycling what we already have. "tanks' for the photo.

  2. oh...nice colours of the sky....:)

  3. I like so much the visitor of the tanker.

  4. This one is HUGE! I don't understand John when he writes "grey water", could you tell me what does this expression mean? (and thanks you for the link!)

  5. Actually, John explained it.
    But you'll have to forgive me. We don't have water-tanks anywhere in my ambit. How does it work? Is it really collecting rain water? And then what do you do? Everything except personal hygiene? What a dumb softie city-boy I am!

  6. Thank you, people. I really feel stupid now, for posting without researching.

    John, I don't know if gray water recycle is a done thing here yet - except in the super green buildings that boasts being green. Not in regular folks' homes, I don't think, yet.

    Alice, gray water recycling is like cleaning water you've already used, and though I don't know exactly how would work in a regular home, some big buildings recycle water, for example from the kitchen sinks, to be used to flush toilets, I think.

    Mile, well, you do collect the water from the roof, but I think it goes through some kind of a filtering system to be used almost all around the house - will get back to you on this. You got me there.


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