Tuesday, November 21, 2006

End of the Orchid Season

In Nelson, orchids are left outside most of the year. When the flower buds start to grow, you could bring the pots inside the house to hurry the growth; if you do this, they will flower from around May/June up to about this time of the year. If you leave the pots outside to let the buds grow naturally, they flower from around September to after Christmas. This year, for the first time, I did the former, so we're looking at the end of the orchid season. We had a good run this year, after I split the bulbs two years ago; I have something like eight pink cymbidiums in two sizes, and this year added a yellow one and a white one.


  1. Really, really lovely. The colour is smashing. The close-up reminds me a little bit of Georgia O'Keeffe.

  2. Beautiful orchid. I was never successful raising them myself. I agree with kate, this could be a Georgia O'Keeffe picture.

  3. SUPERB PHOTO and I learned something about growing orchids too. Thanks, Meg!

  4. I love Orchids! I just took a couple of pictures of the ones at home. I'll post one for you tomorrow.

    Thanks for sending me over Ben. I smiled.

  5. Ohhh so pretty. The petals are so silky and smooth. Very nicely done.

  6. Beautiful! Here, we must keep them inside in winter. I like these flowers but i don't succeed to make them bloom a second time...

  7. Thank you, Ladies and Eddie, for your comments. Green thumb? No way - NDP has never featured our garden and there is a reason why. I do very well growing weeds mostly. But Nelson weather suits orchids, and so I've done ok with them.

    There is another reason why, though. Our handy man got us started on Orchids; he and his wife are super enthusiasts, and every time he finished a job, he gave us a cymbidium. He worked on our house for 3 or 4 years, so every year, I was desperate not to kill them, until he told me to relax and let them do its thing. I'm happy to report I've never killed them, but there were 2 that did not flower this year. Maybe next year. I'm really hoping the new colors do well, too. Watch this space!

    BUT, for the first time in 7 or so years, we have no orchids around Christmas, so I'll have to think of something. Cabbages, maybe.

  8. very nice Orchid..I wish to see a photo which shows then from a distance how they decorate your street/house/city...

  9. Zsolt, not my house - I'll have to clean it first. But if the Orchid man is still at the market this time of the year, I will shoot him. Thanks for visiting.

  10. nice flowers!!
    and i like the orchist too!
    and now its the chrysanthemum season in shanghai. :) also looks beautiful!

    jing from shanghai.
    thx godness!i could leave comments tonight all by chance!!

  11. LOTs of orchids in different breeds in Singapore, you must see it, throughout the year and never end of season


  12. Thank you, people.

    Zannnie, was it Keropokman who posted a few about a month ago? Just in a couple of photos there were many orchids that I've only seen in book, just casually flowering. It could have even been some orchids at your airport!


  14. Thank you, Tatiana. Be sure to check Eddie's orchid, too. (Just click on his name on the fourth comment!)

  15. oh i love orchids, beautiful catch.

  16. Jazzy, that was the end of it. Now I have two pots in the house with no flowers and just the stalk sticking out, but I can't bring myself to take the pot outside yet. There's nothing outside flowering that I can bring inside instead.


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