Sunday, November 26, 2006

Just Another Bay

Wainui Inlet, Golden Bay. And to my right, the scene looks like this.


  1. Lovely, big sky.

  2. This sky-landscape is just stunning!

  3. This is gorgeous. To take the skyline down so far really produces results! Looks like a painting.

  4. Beautiful sky.
    Nice composition

  5. Hi Meg, a nice day in Nelson...HK has been gloomy for days...

  6. Thank you for visiting NDP, everybody.

    The thing is, normally I post on odd-numbered days and Ben does even-numbered days; but this last week he wanted to do the SH6 series in one go. Fine, no problem. Except when I prepared my posts last week, I didn't realize two portrait-shaped landscapes with big sky came one after another. Shucks.

    I do love the composition - it shows off one of New Zealand's best features - the really big sky - BUT I must try something else as well so they don't look all same old, same old.... The weekend is almost over.... Oh, no...

  7. ohh how wonderful big sky...i wish to stand there taking a deep breath:)

  8. It's really beautiful, the sky is the star but I also like those slim shadows on the ground. Amazing bature!!!!

    Greetings from Barcelona

  9. oo...the sky feels so lower..but so great blue, beautiful with the moving clouds...


  10. not just another! being there must be therapeutic...

  11. Wow - what great colours!
    Well done!

  12. Thank you everybody for the compliments.

    Irredento, the 'reject' shots show more of the estuary, and it's quite a stunning color, with sharp light/shadow contrast, and I have landscape-oriented shots, too. I can't remember why I picked this one now.

  13. WOW MEG! You really outdid yourself with this shot! Absolutely breath-takingly (is that a word? LOL!) GORGEOUS!!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!! OK, think you know how I feel! It might even have to replace my son's college dorm window shot as my new wallpaper! Would that be ok? LOL! ;-)

  14. What an unusual and remarkably effective composition! The sky is the focus but then the thin line down the bottom draws all the attention. This is wonderful, and.... it does make you want to see NZ!!!

  15. Ame, sure you can. But won't you miss your son's college dorm window?

    Nathalie, you just get to Sydney CBD and turn left.

    Piika, ok, what lyric/poem?

  16. Thanks Meg...and no, I'm all settled with my baby being away at college...he's doing great and that means I'M doing GREAT! I still LOVE this shot SOOOO MUCH! =)))

  17. Then forsake Paris and come hither! You can shoot pictures like this yourself.


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