Saturday, September 02, 2006

"Modigliani's Trout"

On the wall of Youth Hostel (entrance to Montgomery Square from Rutherford Street) is a large mural of trout fishing. This was painted in 1995 by Finish artist, Sirpae Alalaakkola, who now lives in the Marlborough Sounds. May I also call your attention to the man's Swanndri, an iconic New Zealand woolen shirt. Earlier this year, they, too, announced they would be moving their manufacturing to China; soon there will be no 100% Kiwi manufacturers.


  1. That's a great mural - I wish we had more of that around here. Very cheerful and it adds to the neighbourhood.

  2. Hey, missed you; are you busy getting organized for school? Have you read your chapters?

  3. All the day, there is no white patch in the sky.
    It was so clear and blue like this picture proves.
    We have so many fine days but not many days like this.

  4. Nice mural.
    If only people who do graffiti drew like this...

  5. edulabbe, we went to see under this one bridge last night where kids do graffiti, and thought exactly the same. There certainly were lots of stylised letters, but on the whole disjointed and ... to our old eyes, not very photogenic. (At least we didn't find rude words there.)


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