Sunday, July 20, 2008


Yesterday around 3pm. The pic is Ben's.

Ben says it's just high tide, but we'd been having sporadic, heavy showers, and I thought it was flooding. I had Ben put on his new 300mm lens to have a look. I'm talking about the walkway near the runway of our airport. This is a different part of the walkway, but you see what I mean.

Today is the last day of the winter school holidays. Air Nelson (a subsidiary of Air New Zealand) pilots have been on strike these last few days so there were markedly fewer flights flown by non-union pilots. Our pilots want more than one every seven weekends off; I can sympathize with that!

PS. This photo was taken with my 70-210mm about 125mm of focal length. The 300mm was a little too long to cover the area she wanted to show. - Ben

1 comment:

  1. Wow Meg and Ben! Amazing high tide, and those clouds are beautiful and dramatic. I love the gray sky and golden field. Our winter lasted all through spring up here. I hope yours is more moderate in the gloom department.
    Seattle Daily Photo


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