Friday, July 18, 2008


And I guess we were in the local paper earlier in the week. Here, the 10th paragraph. Meg gave Alan lots more info about the DP world, but alas, editing, you know. I hope a few Nelsonians discover the rest of your DPs.

If you found our blog via Alan Clarke's piece in The Nelson Mail, please visit the Daily Photo portal to explore the rest of the DP world.


  1. Yep, sorry, the editing was more than heavy. Here in fact is what I put in the first draft, copied directly from the email I sent to work:

    In Nelson, weaver Meg Nakagawa and her husband Ben have been blogging for nearly two years now, enthusiastically promoting their new region in the process.
    By my estimate, today's photo on their Nelson Daily Photo site ( is the 696th they have posted from the top of the south region.
    The Daily Photo ``family'' was launched by one ``Eric of Paris'' ( in March 2005. Meg and Ben discovered the family on August 1 the following year.
    Says Meg: ``I was looking for news on the troubles in Beirut that month. Beirut Daily Photo was one of the most shocking things I'd seen, because it was just a normal, city DP, done by a student, showing what normal people did in the course of their normal lives. That DP used to talk about the civil war as if it was something in the distant past.''
    The very next day, they launched Nelson Daily Photo (they also have an attendant photo-blog,, and Meg also has a copy of word-blogs in which she reflects with wit and wisdom on weaving, life and anything else that spins her wheel.
    Asked why relative newcomers to Nelson promote the region so enthusiastically, Meg says: ``Because it is a beautiful place and a very photogenic one, even though it hasn't got the old stone architecture that is my personal favorite.
    ``Southern hemisphere DPs have the added wow-factor in that northerners love to look at photos from the `opposite' season. It's a wonderful way to make friends around the world. We receive emails from people who want to visit Nelson, who want to move to Nelson, who have visited Nelson, or expat Nelsonians who miss it, and occasionally requests for a particular part of Nelson.''

    So there. That was boiled down to one sentence. Sorry guys. Perhaps I'll be able to resurrect it all some time in the future.

  2. Well done Ben and Meg, (and nice try too Alan!)

    I haven't dropped in for a few weeks but it's always worth the visit!

    Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

  3. Hmmm ... would have read Meg has a 'couple' of word-blogs of course ... that's why we need to edit and proof-read copy!

  4. I love this shot. It would also be fun to do a long exposure of this with a light on it after dark!

  5. No worries, Alan. I learned about the very hard editing with Matt's article a long ago. Pity, though, because what you guys write are very interesting, and what makes it to the paper is so very chopped up, uninteresting, and often, incomplete. Anyway, thanks!

  6. Cheers, Alan for mentioning in the paper. I was wondering why suddenly get so many hits on the site. You can also start blogging about the back story of an interview you made for various people. It would be a very interesting reading. Is the paper does not allow you do do that or perhaps you might already have one? Hint, hint...


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