Friday, June 13, 2008

A Virtual Exhibition

Ben and I came to this blogging thing late. I started my weaving blog in Easter 2006, and we discovered DP in August that year. We've really enjoyed making new friends and writing and reading about things that happen in places that, well, we may never get to, see spectacular scenery, funny incidents, and also similarities in every day life across countries.

It was in this environment that I started thinking about a virtual, joint exhibition by handweavers. And when I had a bit more time earlier this year, I asked around if others would be interested.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, May I invite you to visit our Small Scarf Virtual Exhibition, opening tonight, at 7PM New Zealand time, here.


  1. great idea. lets see

  2. What a wonderful idea Meg. Your work is lovely and I so enjoyed the virtual tour. I love the white scarf that you are working in this photo. I want to feel them all.

  3. So, evlahos, what did you think??

    Sue, yup, give me half an hour to shower, and come over. I'll put the kettle on!

  4. The exhibition may be virtual but the fun is for real. Great initiative!

  5. Hey, thanks, Per. And it was a lot easier than a real one, too.


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