Sunday, June 29, 2008

Harry's Bar

It's sounds delicious but I miss the quote/joke used to be there, like this one...


  1. Despite what's written on the board [and yes, I too prefer funky quotes] their chilli squid is beyond compare ...

  2. I thought their food was tasty, but you have to spend a lot of money to get your fill here as a vegetarian... oh well!

  3. It's a good bar for a quick drink and small munches with bunch of friends. ...but..., yes, I need few more bucks for filling my stomach. They server good food (oriental flavored?), though.

  4. Ben, That's a fun quote in the other post! I like this street scene featuring Harry's. Very nice POV. Your blue sky looks lovely, like you're having a mild winter so far.
    So, what beer is the Nelson favorite?
    Seattle Daily Photo
    (Where a Maritime Pacific Gold Coast hit the spot in our 90F degree heat yesterday.)

  5. Thanks, Kim.
    We have many kind and among them my current favourite is "Founders". It's a local brew and certified organic bear, humorous name like "long black", "Red hair" and so on.
    Also, the Herrington, who is now famous that brew the very low alcohol ale for Load of the Rings party scene. They have a variety of kind from strong to week, dark to light. We are not only a wine country but also beers. Thanks for asking!


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