Saturday, January 26, 2008

Weekend in Nelson

Last Sunday, while we were having a leisurely breakfast at the Saltwater Café, I spotted a tiny woman walking with purpose with two large paint buckets. For a moment, I thought she was going to dump rubbish into the sea.

I retract that; she was just out for a nice summer day.


  1. Wow, refreshing site! I like the blues!

  2. I meant both 'your site' and the 'sight' in photo =) Happy weekend!

  3. Great photo and lovely turquoise water.

  4. What is it about water that causes us to simply sit an look......

  5. Thank you, everybody.

    Bill, both water and fire, eh? You can just sit and look for ever. Ever changing? Reflection of something else? Or in case of water, that's where we all came from, archaeologically and individually?

  6. There, I see those lovely summer colours again!

    What might be included in a leisurely Nelson Breakfast?

  7. Let's see, Per, Ben had the Kiwi Breakfast, and I had Brioche without the compote, but this particular morning, it was the company that was particularly pleasing.


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