Tuesday, January 15, 2008

La Nina

It's been terribly hot and humid this summer; in Nelson the high has been consistently around 26C (78F) or hotter, except for a day or two last week. Though we usually get a few days of highs around 30C (86F) every year, we normally have rather pleasant summers with highs around 23C (73F) and lows of 15C (59F) and usually we don't keep our windows open all night; some years we even need the service of an electric blanket once or twice.

As well, one thing that's counter-intuitive to us born in the northern hemisphere is this: you'd think our north (closer to the equator) is hotter than our south, and this is pretty true in the winter, but in the summer, not so. In fact, places like Ashburton (south of Christchurch), Alexandra and, from memory, Arrowtown (near Queenstown!) sometimes get the nation's highest temperatures of the day, as well as the lowest in the winter.

Anyhoo, it's going to be another hot one, I hear. Otherwise, I wouldn't be tempted to have a Popsicle right after breakfast, would I.


  1. Just looking at this photo made me shiver! It's so cold here today and wet and snowy and drippy and just icy! No popsicles for me thank you! lol


    Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day

  2. I think popsicles are good anytime.
    Its hard to get things done when its too hot. We finally have sunshine today with the temps in the 50"s F. Not bad after the blahs.

  3. Thanks so much for the popsicle on my site! BUT... it really was cold! HAHAHA! We had about 18 inches of snow a couple of weeks ago and then it rained (glad it wasn't snow) and it all melted away but our temps are hovering around zero C.


    Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day

  4. We had a first night in a while where it got to be a little to cool to keep it open towards dawn. (Is this a a coherent sentence?) Thank goodness - I thought the heat was affecting my mind... and by world standard, it's not been THAT hot, and we have a "dark and cold" house.

    I am such a wuss!!

  5. it can't be as hot as singapore! haha...

    those popsicles are tempting!!

    but the weather's really weird. it's not so hot in singapore these few weeks, right now it is a cool 26 celsius.

  6. Touché, point taken. I know I'm becoming such a wuss I can't take it, and today, it's expected to be 28 here, 30 in Blenheim. At least our humidity seems to have come down a little bit, but I could be wrong.

    I think I'll sit in my bathtub and think about Minnesota when it gets that high.


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