Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Crocked Smile

One side of my dad's mouth lifts like this when he smiles. He turned 80 last week.


  1. Great capture Meg. It really looks like a crooked smile. Perhaps its because someone has been eating too many of my pomogranetes and got his lips stained.

  2. What a perfect, little photo. And the caption is great with it!

  3. Thank you two!

    Sue, the pomegranate eaters are my mother and me.

    Waldo, thanks!

  4. Mother Nature smiles at you and you brought the smile to all of us. Thank you.

  5. Somewhat late but what the heck - happy birthday to your dad then! Mine is 82.

  6. This is good proof of how to make a great picture with simple elements. I love it Ben.

  7. Cheers, Carlos.
    The credit goes to Meg for all those leave shots. It's great, isn't it?

  8. Per, my dad was pretty young-looking until he hit about 70 - suddenly he became a very old man. The change was shocking, actually. And now he likes looking like and being an old man!

    Hi, Carlos, love the levitating surfer (??). Sometimes looking at small or everyday objects are great fun for me. Would you believe I have a few photo folders on everyday kitchen things and I really love them, too.


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