Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Christ Church Cathedral

We often refer to the Cathedral Steps here in NDP, but I don't think we've ever shown the Cathedral itself. I learned last Friday there are volunteer "Welcoming Staff" inside (never seen them in my previous visits), and between 3-4PM on Fridays, Max is in charge. For a small donation, one is allowed to photograph inside, and there is a booklet on the history of the building of the cathedral, so I'm going back another Friday to see him, take better notes and donate/buy/photograph.

Meanwhile, this is the alter-end, at the top of the Steps, facing Trafalgar Street, and the sea. The structure is in gray marble, (Big Confession: I had thought it was boring old concrete all along!) and while it's no European marvel, it is laden with European Immigrant history of Nelson.


  1. Your photos are so clear and the colours so pure and full of light. I must visit!

  2. Lovely, stately church and interesting design to the steeple belfry. Nice shot.

  3. It was a particularly clear day, but this photo keeps reminding me of old postcards from maybe the 60's and the 70's. I must also learn some of the architectural lingo before I can start shooting the cathedral, too, so I understand Max's explanations.

  4. Mmmmm amazing architecture for a cathedral! Thanks for mentioning grey marble, I would have thought it was concrete too.. It wouldn't have been the same in pink marble, would it?

  5. Pink would have been so Southern European and not at all English... but in retrospect, it might have suited Nelson better, Nathalie.

  6. What a nice and modern architecture!

  7. yes yes yes! I agree that this is wonderful architechture. The bell tower is very very nice.

  8. When I saw the title I immediately thought of Christchurch Cathedral outside of which I once met the Wizard (charming fellow) -- then I scrolled down and thought -- that's not it -- and then realised of course we were in a different town.

    This one looks rather more modern but has its own elegance.

  9. Thank you for your visits, people.

    Yes, modern from this side, but I'm finding out more and it's exciting for someone like me who has had a tenuous relationship with the institution.

    Gerald, The Wizard retired shortly after your visit, I think, or possibly he was already part-time when you were there. I can't remember, but it's so strange to go to Chch and not see him entertaining the crowd.


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