Friday, December 22, 2006

Collingwood St Pharmacy Revisited

Remember this? It was a sticker and we said it wouldn't last the Nelson summer. Ben told me quite a while ago that they did something to remedy it, so last week I went to investigate. Now two new leaves (I couldn't tell if it was an identical sticker to the previous one) are affixed to a thin piece of plaster-like white board, which is screwed to the cement block wall. From a distance it almost looks like the old sticker, but the green leaves are less vivid, because of the white instead of the gray background, and you see the screws all over the place.

I vote for painting the leaves: it's probably cheaper in the long run.


  1. Its an unfinished symphony. Paint the leaves....

  2. I didn't notice the screws until you mentioned them, then I saw them all. The screws & the leaves should be painted. The previous vivid green was prettier!

  3. I like the texture of these leaves.
    I also enjoyed yesterdays photo.

  4. I agree with you. They should paint the leaves.

  5. It seems too unreal. But that green wishes to be true.

  6. Thank you for your visits, folks.

    Piika, ESPECIALLY if the Mrs comes along!


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