Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Old but Improved Suter Art Gallery Te Aratoi o Whakatu

The temporary Suter on Bridge Street closed last Sunday, and the old but improved Suter will reopen on October 2. The building on the right is the original gallery, est 1899, (some history here,) and was refurbished some years earlier.
The new glass part is the reception/ticketing area, and further back is the new shop space. To the left is the much loved theater, which was in danger of demolition in the earlier, fancier rebuild plans; it's the home of many film festivals, unique performances as well as occasional lectures. The cafe remains will return to the same area, behind the theater and to the left of the new shop.
My understanding is most of the additions occurred at the back of the building, (left of the big tree,) mainly for storage, a classroom for school groups, and studio space for the Nelson Suter Art Society, with a modest increase in the gallery space, but I could be wrong. From the Queens Gardens side, you can see the top of the original gallery to the right of the big tree, above the cafe, with the roof of the theater to the far right. I'm sure we'll be showing you more of the Suter in the months to come.

Now, Jamie, please listen to your teacher and keep your clothes on. (The name of the not-so-innocent was changed to protect the not-so-innocent.)

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