Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bijou c. 1961-3

I knew Crackerjack had these plastic beads for a while, but I refrained from purchasing. The instruction says to arrange them in interesting formation and iron from the top to melt the beads and make flat plastic thingies, but when I was 3 and 4 and 5, these were the beads Mom gave me to make bijou. Instead of cottons or silks, she gave me thread-like elastics so the necklaces could get around my head, and bracelets around my hand.

On Saturday, I couldn't help myself.

I already posted this in my weaving blog, but thought some of you may feel nostalgic about these, too?


  1. Sorry I don't remember these but they may have been after my childhood, going now to check out what you made :-)

  2. oops sorry I meant before my childhood...

  3. I was always puttering around with this stuff when I was growing up. Sorry to say I didn't keep any of it. Wish I had. I'm going to check your weaving site now.

  4. It was like meeting a very very old friend when I discovered these. I haven't had the heart to open it, though now I know where I can get more if I need them.

  5. Never seen those before. You mean, you can iron them onto the clothes?

    We had the Bedazzler a decade or so ago. Everyone was mad about them.

  6. You put these beads on a plastic (?) base and "draw" pictures, then you iron, and supposedly only the beads stick to each other. I think that's the theory.

  7. I did these all the time as a kid...yes, you make a pattern on the base, or whatnot, and then iron one side of it...the beads melt together (i believe that you put something between the beads and the iron) and then you can take it off the form. what dangerous things for kids to play with, ironing and melting beads...haha.

  8. Yes, exactly! Do you think it was always the melty thing, even in the 60's, or do you think it used to be just beads back then?


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