Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kids Don't Know Road Codes

The education (??) section of the police visits the local schools for a bit of cycle education. I'm not sure if this is just about bike riding, or the program includes crossing the street and other pedestrian behavior.

The police persons come with bikes (and presumably the helmets) for the day.


  1. You certainly can't miss that colorful Police car. I like these types of programs for the kids. I'm sure they learn all the basics there. Its good P.R. for the police.

  2. Sue, we used to have the normal road code education, too, but it was sponsored by McDonalds and a few years ago the police dropped the association, (we've been trying to make kids eat healthier and the then-government was trying to get rid of unhealthy foods from their lunch menus, too,) and I think, therefore, the program.

    By the way, that's our normal police car!

  3. A good lesson that needs to keep being reminded to them! Wow, you sure have colorful police cars!

  4. Yeah, we do, Tanya, don't we? They went through one or two changes since we've come to NZ in 1994 - I think it's become brighter and more ornate.

  5. Hi.
    I love these blogs from far off places. I read the quite often. Our local police used to be sponsored by double glazing company, not sure what happened but its not on the cars now. Always good to see kids being shown how to do things in safety.

  6. Yes, and let's hope the lessons stick!


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