Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Behind Jens Hansen's shop is this house that houses ... a lot of radio stations. On the sign, behind the bush, was also B-Sports or some such. I didn't notice the sculpture until this morning, but it appears to be by the same artist as the one in front of WOW museum, (gee, we've never posted WOW museum on NDP???), and behind is the Rutherford Hotel, which is a not-particularly attractive concrete thing as seen on the linked shot.


  1. Love the house! Love the notice board, nicely in keeping with a grand old lady. Great shot obscuring the ugly Rutherford Hotel. I never understood how such a beautiful place like Nelson could build such an ugly structure. Maybe there is hope for a remake that will give it old world charm and character one day. Lesley Expat Kiwi

  2. Not sure if we're going i that direction, Lesley. More new stuff every day. Far fewer old houses being used by businesses, etc. (Sorry, have mini-magnum in one hand. Yummy!!! but can't type...


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