Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Baby Brother Amaryllis

I bought this bulb in a bargain bin two years ago. The first year, we only had three flowers; the fourth shriveled up and died while the others were still flowering. Last year I forgot all bout the bulb so I think it spent the spring/summer in the garage. This year, the Baby Brother (4th bud) was a few days behind the rest, and is a little bit smaller, but it's blooming. Woohoo! Good Boy!

This amaryllis start almost white with hints of orange, then get darker over a few days. This was taken first thing yesterday morning.

(Ben, put away your oilskin coat wax if you're finished with it, please!!)


  1. I do like your Amaryllis, Meg. Very interesting plant and the flowers are supposed to last for 6-8 weeks. Yours is called Rainbow, white blushed with pink, the best of the bunch as far as I can see. I used to grow the belladona variety in the garden, commonly known as Naked Ladies as they come up without leaves (which come later). The flower stalk blooms long before the leaves appear - pretty. Time exposure would be interesting but you have to be quick! Lesley Expat Kiwi

  2. Yeah, Naked Ladies... I don't think they're very popular any more. It took a couple of years to get rid of them.

  3. I used to have a junior in secondary school who went by the name of Amaryllis. However, we never seen the Amaryllis flower before. Didn't know that it's such a stunning bloom!

  4. Oh yeah, very stunning. Huge, too. About 20cm across, at least.


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